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Anchorage United Nations Day 5K/2K Run

It's almost time for the 3rd Annual Anchorage United Nations Day 5k/2k: October 21, 2017, 10am at Westchester Lagoon. 

All Anchorage School District language immersion programs are invited to participate and see which program can field the largest team.  We have a special trophy, the United Nations Cup, for the language program that fields the largest team. The pubic is welcome to sign up to be part of one of the language teams to help celebrate the diversity of language instruction in the A.S.D.

Finishers in the 5k distance will receive a Hoo Rag at the finish line - limited supply available. The 2k is a Healthy Futures event and all kid finishers will receive a medal at the finish line.  We hope you can join us for this fun active event.   For registration & more infovisit our Anchorage United Nations Day 5K/2K website.    Contact: