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The Anchorage School District Russian Immersion Program is pleased to offer opportunities for our grades 7-12 students and families to travel to Moscow and St. Petersburg in the Russian Federation.  Recent trips were held in 2012, 2014, and 2016 (and every other year thereafter).  The trip includes immersion student home-stays with our St. Petersburg exchange-school families, tours of historical sights, participation in Russian cultural events, and strengthening of friendship bonds.  It is an amazing "once-in-a-lifetime" experience!

During the interim non-travel year for our Alaskan students, our St. Petersburg exchange-school students visit Anchorage, Alaska.  Our Russian guests live with Anchorage host families during their stay, and the students attend school with the Russian Immersion Program students at Romig Middle School and West High School.  MIR Parents sponsors activities and excursions to share our beautiful and culturally-rich Alaska with our Russian visitors.  Our program is truly an "exchange" and further cultivates international friendships & language-learning.

MIR Parents fundraises to defray the group cost of the exchange trips to Russia.  Immersion families traveling to Russia are responsible for their own travel costs.  The trip planning and preparation is coordinated by our Immersion Program teachers and faculty using a professional tour company for logistics and scheduling. 

These trips are official visits where our students and chaperones are representing Turnagain Elementary School, Romig Middle School, West High School, the Anchorage School District, the city of Anchorage and the state of Alaska.  This relationship is very unique and important to both countries!

*All Anchorage School District trips are contingent on ASD approval and can be cancelled due to safety reasons.