M.I.R. Parents Inc
Turnagain Elem, Romig J.H. & West H.S.
Board Meeting Agenda
September 10, 2016 11am
Lloyd Steele Park
Board members in attendance: Heather Probasco, Maria B.,
Kristian Dahl, Karen Biggs
Board members absent: Brooke Dudley, Inna Erickson,
Staff members in attendance: Carissa Cote, Elena Farkas, Mr. and
Mrs. Pustina, Mrs. Van Alstine, Tatiana from Romig Middle School, others?
Call to Order and Welcome- Heather Probasco
Principals Corner-Carissa Cote
Carissa Cote recognized teachers and staff for their hard work and then introduced Elena
Farkas. Elena and several students and parents gave testimonials about going and about beginning to
save for students to go on the trip to Russia. The cost of the trip is approximately $3,600.
Secretary Report- Minutes Provided
Minutes from the May 12 board meeting were approved by member vote.
Motion: David Mack, Second: Jim Foss
Treasurers Report-
1.Treasurer's Report. Kristian Dahl, VP of Finance, reviewed highlights from the 2015-16
budget focusing on the success of Maslenitsa. MIR raised $16,856.61 and had only budgeted
$10,000. Many thanks to Caitlyn Jaksic for her efforts!
2.Karen Biggs, Treasurer, presented the 2016-2017 budget for approval. She pointed out that
school activities have been reduced by half due to construction. MIR is hoping to host after
school activities during the second half of the school year. Also, an addition of $1,500 has been
added under the line item for Russian Exchange student to AK to host visiting Russian students
from St. Petersburg this school year. Also, field trip funds were increased to $2,000 this year.
3.Motion: Add $1,000 to the Russian Exchange Students to AK line item for a total of
$2,500. M/S: Elena Farkas, Karen Loeffler-Quinterri. Motion passed.
4.Clarification was requested about where funding for staff chaperones for the student trip to
Russia show up in the budget. Kristian explained that an internal transfer of $4,500 occurs each
year for a total of $9,000 (the trip is taken every other year) as required by MIR bylaws.
Because it is an internal transfer of funds, it is not reflected in the 2015-2016 budget.
5.Motion: Pass the proposed budget. M/S: Karen Quinterri/Dawn Bloechl. Motion passed.
Meeting adjourned: 12:21 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Amanda Mack, MIR Member
Next Membership Meeting Scheduled for November 19 at 6:30pm Elena’s Relo